Monday, November 16, 2015

3D Skills—Tips to Master Them

Do you want a quick lesson to master your 3D technique? Are you an aspiring 3D artist who has hopes to work for a 3D animation design company? If the answer to this question is a yes, you have come to the right place.

Here you will find tips to improve your 3D skills. When it is your time, you will get the designation of an expert 3D animator who has mastered their craft. If you are ready, let’s begin by sharing the first tip:

1.     Invest in the Right Resources

What inspired you to become a 3D animator? Perhaps, you caught the 3D animation bug from cartoon movies like the Bug’s Life or Toy Story. Perhaps, the latest installments of superhero movies such as Thor or Avengers led you to your new career path. Whatever told you that this is what you need to become, put it aside, as that will not help you.

What you need to is invest in the right sources, which will help make your dream come true. You need to buy books such as The Animator’s Survival Kit and The Illusion of Life. Even though these books teach you about 2D animation, the same principles and methods will apply to 3D animation. You can apply the techniques using Maya. This way, you will get the hang of the software that most 3D graphic design companies use.

2.     Learn the Basics

Do not attempt complex 3D animation the first time you sit down to create something, as you will fail. This is not to demoralize you in anyway, but it’s true, as it will frustrate you.  Before you start creating master level objects, learn the basic first such as bouncing the ball. You can find many tutorials on how to do that online.

Once the ball is bouncing across your screen, add a wall to the mix. Next, give the ball some personality such as hitting the wall and stopping on its way back. Lastly, add a tail to the ball or stretch it.  With each animation you successfully complete, your skill level will increase. You can keep challenging yourself to attempt harder animations.

3.     Look for Inspiration

Okay, we told you to put your inspiration aside for the moment, but we didn’t mean permanently. When you are feeling down on your luck, watching the movies that inspired you to become a 3D animator can motivate you to keep trying and not give up, until you achieve your dream.

4.     Master Your Body Mechanics

Once you have mastered the basics, you have to master the body mechanics. Body mechanics is giving human qualities to an inanimate object. Look around you to observe how people talk, shake hands, hug, run, and more. Start learning the walk cycle first, try making the character walk and, come to a stop, and make the character lean.
If you know any 3D animators working for 3D design companies, ask for advice and show them your work to get feedback.

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